IFSF Fitness Styles Competition Rules

IFSF Fitness Styles Competition Rules

  1. General Overview

The IFSF promotes and oversees competitions in various fitness styles. These competitions aim to showcase athletes’ physical abilities, endurance, strength, agility, and overall fitness.

  1. Categories

Competitions are divided into the following categories:

  • Bodybuilding: Emphasis on muscle mass, symmetry, and definition.
  • Fitness: Combination of physical routines including strength, agility, and flexibility.
  • CrossFit: High-intensity functional movements across various workouts.
  • Powerlifting: Focus on maximum weight lifted in squat, bench press, and deadlift.
  • Strongman: Tests of brute strength, often involving unconventional lifting events.
  • Calisthenics: Bodyweight exercises demonstrating control, strength, and creativity.
  • Fusion Fitness: Based on Fusion Fitness skills such as Fusion Stick, Fusion Kickboxing, Fusion Flow, Fusion Rhythmic, ..
  1. Eligibility
  • Age: Participants must be at least 18 years old.
  • Registration: Athletes must register through the official IFSF platform.
  • Medical Clearance: A recent medical certificate clearing the participant for intense physical activity is mandatory.
  • Code of Conduct: Athletes must adhere to the IFSF Code of Conduct, promoting sportsmanship and integrity.
  1. Judging Criteria

Judging panels consist of certified IFSF judges with expertise in the respective category. Criteria vary per category as follows:


  • Muscle Mass: Volume and size of muscles.
  • Symmetry: Balance and proportion of muscles.
  • Definition: Clarity of muscle separation.
  • Presentation: Stage presence and posing routines.


  • Strength: Ability to perform strength-based routines.
  • Agility: Quick and precise movements.
  • Flexibility: Range of motion in various movements.
  • Endurance: Sustained physical performance.
  • Creativity: Originality and complexity of routines.

Fusion Fitness

Based on Fusion Fitness skills items, according to the regulations approved in UFSA (Universal Fusion Fitness Sports Alliance).


  • Completion Time: Speed in completing the workout.
  • Technique: Proper execution of movements.
  • Performance Consistency: Ability to maintain form throughout the workout.
  • Versatility: Proficiency across different types of exercises.


  • Lift Execution: Proper form and technique in lifts.
  • Maximum Weight: Highest weight successfully lifted in each category.
  • Consistency: Performance across all three lifts (squat, bench press, deadlift).


  • Strength: Ability to lift heavy and unconventional objects.
  • Endurance: Sustained performance in multiple events.
  • Technique: Efficiency and form in performing tasks.
  • Versatility: Competence in diverse strength challenges.


  • Strength: Ability to perform demanding bodyweight exercises.
  • Control: Precision and stability in movements.
  • Creativity: Innovation in routines.
  • Endurance: Duration and consistency of performance.
  1. Competition Structure
  • Preliminary Rounds: Initial rounds to qualify participants for finals.
  • Semi-Finals: Intermediate rounds narrowing down top competitors.
  • Finals: The concluding round determining the winners.
  1. Scoring System
  • Point Allocation: Points awarded based on performance in each criterion.
  • Total Score: Sum of points across all criteria determines the ranking.
  • Tie-Breaker: In the event of a tie, judges will reassess the athletes’ performances focusing on key differentiators.
  1. Conduct and Fair Play
  • Doping Policy: Strict adherence to anti-doping regulations. Random testing will be conducted.
  • Sportsmanship: Participants must respect fellow competitors, judges, and officials.
  • Disqualification: Breach of rules, unsportsmanlike behavior, or doping violations will result in disqualification.
  1. Awards and Recognition
  • Medals and Trophies: Awarded to top three performers in each category.
  • Certificates: Participation certificates for all athletes.
  • Special Awards: Best Performance, Most Improved Athlete, and Sportsmanship Award.
  1. Appeals Process
  • Submission: Appeals must be submitted in writing within 24 hours of the event conclusion.
  • Review: A committee will review and decide on the appeal within 48 hours.
  • Decision: The committee’s decision is final and binding.
  1. Safety Measures
    • First Aid: On-site medical team available throughout the competition.
  • Emergency Protocols: Established procedures for handling injuries or emergencies.







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